Valentine’s Day for Singles – Dr. Sari Locker: Sex Educator and TV Personality Dr. Sari Locker: Sex Educator and TV Personality Tue, 30 May 2017 13:53:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Single on Valentine’s Day? Fri, 13 Feb 2009 14:45:47 +0000

Here are ten (corny) ideas that I came up with for how to brighten up Valentine’s Day if you are single! 

1. Give flowers to your closest friends, and tell them how much you appreciate their love.

2. Have a “singles only” party. Play “Spin the Bottle” and “Truth or Dare,” and be glad that you’re not tied down in a relationship.

3. Use Valentine’s Day to help those who are truly lonely. Visit elderly in a nursing home, or sick kids in a hospital. Make cards with them, bring them flowers, or just keep them company.

4. Watch a romantic movie by yourself. Take comfort in the fact that real-life love stories are never quite as good as in the movies.

5. Spend the day with your family. They need your love, too!

6. Spend the day with a friend who ended a relationship recently. He or she may need your support more than ever on Valentine’s Day.

7. Go looking for love. Browse in bookstores, coffee shops, or anywhere you think you might meet people. Don’t be shy — chat up anyone who seems interesting. Be sure to get phone numbers and emails.

8. Go shopping to buy a great outfit — something that you love, rather than something you’d get just to impress a potential date.

9. Spend the day playing with your pet. Fido or Fluffy always wants and appreciates your love. And pets love you right back, unconditionally.

10. Pleasure yourself. Masturbate. (Yes, you knew I’d say that.) It’s a wonderful way to love yourself on Valentine’s Day.
