Sex Ed Heros

Thanks to Cornell University Human Sexuality Collection

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014

Thank you very much to the Cornell University Human Sexuality Collection for mentioning me in the list of Cornellians who have made a difference in the field of sexuality. I am incredibly honored to be included alongside exceptionally important people whose work revolutionized sexuality education and sexual health: Dr. Joyce Brothers, David Goodstein, Gregory Pincus, Georgios Papanicolaou.

Cornell University. David Goodstein, Dr. Sari Locker, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Gregory Pincus, Georgios Papanicolaou.

Cornell University. David Goodstein, Dr. Sari Locker, Dr. Joyce Brothers, Gregory Pincus, Georgios Papanicolaou.

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Your Best Birth! New Book by Ricki Lake

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

How can families have the birth that is best for them without a hospital dictating the process? Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein will enlighten you!

Your Best Birth: Know All Your Options, Discover the Natural Choices, and Take Back the Birth Experience, by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein will be published on May 1, this Friday.

In the 90s, I loved being a guest on Ricki’s daytime talk show. She was always a generous host, and it was fun to be a part of her show — especially when Ricki would ask a provocative question and the whole audience would chant, “Go Ricki. Go Ricki.” I’ve also long been a fan of her acting, and I’m looking forward to seeing her in her newest role as host of VH1’s Charm School (premiering May 11). Yet, it’s the work she does to support women’s choices about childbirth that is most extraordinary.

Ricki is truly dedicated to teaching women about childbirth and about how to be advocates for our health and wellbeing. Her new book Your Best Birth, and her phenomenal must-see documentary The Business of Being Born, are also an exploration of her own development as a woman and mother. In both the book and the documentary, Ricki and co-author Abby detail the births of their children, providing a personal, moving angle to their well researched and thoughtful work. Then they explain how a woman can decide to have a home birth, natural child birth in a hospital or birthing center, or if epidural, induction, medical intervention, or cesarean section could be necessary. Ricki and Abby give women an understanding of the natural birth process, as well as the medical system, including why our country has such a high rate of cesarean sections and infant mortality. Their new book gives women the necessary information to make an informed choice about their birth experience.

No matter what stage you are in the cycle of life — pregnant, soon-to-be, been-there-done-that, or who-knows-when-or-if — this book is a wonderful read. Ricki empowers us all to take responsibility for the choices we make about how we bring children into the world. Pick up Your Best Birth on Oh, and if you haven’t yet seen The Business of Being Born, you simply must! It’s available on amazon as a DVD or video-on-demand. You will be inspired by Ricki’s work. I know I am.


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Ernest Borgnine: Sex Ed Hero

Friday, August 15th, 2008

Legendary actor Ernest Borgnine, 91, has been making headlines for a hilarious little piece of a TV interview that is all the rage on You Tube. He appeared on the Fox News Channel to promote his new autobiography, and the host asked him the secret to his longevity. “I masturbate a lot,” the actor ‘whispered’ to the Fox host, loud enough for all of us to hear. This clip is great sex ed, because it promotes several very important (and too infrequently discussed) truths about human sexuality:

  1. Masturbation has health benefits, such as lowering stress, and as research has found, lowering the risk of prostate cancer in elderly men.
  2. Masturbation is normal for married people. Ernest B. has been married to his current wife for over 30 years.
  3. Elderly people are still sexual! Even at age 91.

In case you missed it, take a look at this Oscar winning actor/Sex Ed Hero. Then if you are so inspired, take a break to enjoy making yourself live longer. The video is on youtube here.

Posted by Dr. Sari Locker

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