Posts Tagged ‘pregnancy prevention’

Bristol Palin Speaks, But Won’t Say “Birth Control”

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

Bristol Palin, 18, decided to step into the spotlight this week with an interview by Greta Van Susteren on the Fox News Channel. Bristol claims that she wants to be an advocate for teen pregnancy prevention, saying, “I hope that people learn from my story and just, like, I don’t know, prevent teen pregnancy, I guess.”  She says that she thinks teens should wait ten years to get pregnant, because, “it’s so much easier if you’re married and if you have a house and a career and — it’s just so much easier.” She adds that teen pregnancy is not, “a situation that you want to strive for.” 

Bristol says that teen abstinence is “not realistic at all,” which shows progress in the political media discussions that began when her pro-abstinence mother, Gov. Sarah Palin, confirmed then-17 year old Bristol’s pregnancy last year. However, in the Fox News interview, when asked about her views about birth control Bristol declined to comment. She seems to want to be an advocate for teens avoiding pregnancy without explaining how they can do this. She also perpetuated the myth that teens today are more interested in having pre-marital sex than teens in previous generations. In fact, according to sex research for at least four decades about 95% of Americans have been having premarital sex.

Perhaps Van Susteren made Bristol defensive by asking her a personal question about why or if she did not use contraception (which she declined to answer). But, despite that, when asked how she could change the fact that teens have sex and may get pregnant, all Bristol could muster was a statement that she as a teen mom can scare teens into not having sex. No mention of the need for teens to use birth control or more effective sexual decision making methods, or for them to have comprehensive sex ed or better communication with their parents, or any other factors that truly could help teens avoid pregnancy.  

I certainly hope that Bristol does not try to speak to teens about pregnancy prevention until she learns how to discuss the use of birth control and condoms. Teens may be positively influenced by hearing about the profound challenges of teen parenthood from a teen mother. However, only telling teens how tough it is to be a teen mom won’t keep teen sperm from uniting with teen eggs.

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